iSmile Orthodontics
June 4, 2024

Hey everyone! I wanted to share my experience with braces so far. I got them when I was 11, and at first, I was kinda nervous. But you know what? It’s not so bad!

Getting braces put on didn’t hurt at all. It felt a bit weird, like there was something new in my mouth, but I got used to it pretty quickly. The brackets and wires took a little getting used to, but after a few days, I hardly noticed them.

Eating with braces was a bit tricky at first. I had to avoid really sticky or hard foods, but my orthodontist gave me a list of stuff that’s okay to eat. And guess what? I can still enjoy most of my favorite foods!

One thing I didn’t expect was how often I have to brush my teeth now. With braces, food can get stuck really easily, so I have to brush after every meal. But it’s worth it to keep my teeth clean and healthy.

So far, my braces journey has been pretty smooth. Sure, there have been a few adjustments and sometimes my mouth feels a bit sore, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Plus, I know it’ll all be worth it when I have a super cool smile at the end!