iSmile Orthodontics
May 31, 2024

Hey everyone! I just started my journey with Invisalign, and I wanted to share how it’s been going so far. First off, let me just say, it’s so cool!

Unlike braces, Invisalign is clear and practically invisible. When I first got my aligners, I was amazed at how they fit perfectly over my teeth. It felt a little weird at first, like a snug retainer, but I got used to it quickly.

Eating with Invisalign is awesome because I can take the aligners out whenever I want. That means I can still enjoy all my favorite foods without worrying about breaking anything. Plus, I don’t have to worry about food getting stuck in my braces like my friends do!

One thing I love about Invisalign is that I can take out my aligners to brush and floss normally. With braces, it was a bit of a hassle to clean around all the wires and brackets, but with Invisalign, it’s super easy to keep my teeth clean.

I’ve only had my Invisalign for a little while, but I’m already loving it. Sure, there are a few adjustments to get used to, like remembering to wear them for 22 hours a day and changing them out every two weeks, but it’s totally worth it for a straighter smile. Plus, I can’t wait to see the final results!